
Hi again..
I haven't throw anything here for quite sometimes already. Few issues has to be done and now I'm going to put something different.

Recently, I saw a commercial advertisement on the magazine and I decide to imitate that, just to test whether I can do it or not. Here is the result.

I've changed something here and there, especially the background picture. You can compare my peice of work with the professional's one. This is the original of the ads.

Oops.. Sorry. The picture is not that clear. Haha. It's my camera's "fault". It suppose to be nice. Hihi. So, what do you think? I've got the talent? LOL.

Now, I'm going to tell you what are the proccesses that I have to go through in order to produce my advertisement.

I used Adobe Photoshop to create this advertisement. First of all, I put this image as the background picture…

I strech it to fit the size of A4. I have to do so because the ads is in A4 size.
Next, I do those boxes and add those text inside of them..I created the boxes using shape tool and for the text type tool..

When I've done with the boxes and the text, I inserted the pictures of the phones.. and tagged them. Once again I use type tool for the tagging. I choose yellow colour for the text because yellow will create better contrast on black.

And then, Nokia logo must be in. I have downloaded the logo from the internet but it was blue in colour. So I have to work my magic (my so called magic. lol!) to change it into white colour.

so, i use Drop Shadow, Bevel and Embos and Colour Overlay to transform the colour. and this is the result..

Easy, isn't it? Last touch. I typed Nokia's website at the bottom right of the ads and careline at the bottom left. I decided to use white colour to differ it from the phone tag.

So, after everything's done, I save it as .gif image. The result is the one on top. It wasn't that hard anyway.

Now, you might be wondering where did I get the pictures from. Well, you will be happy with my answer because I got it all from Google image. I told you, it's simple. It’s not difficult to look for pictures in Google but to choose which one is suitable can be very irritating. I spend hour to get my desired image. Haha. My advertisement did not require me to type a lot so it did not test on how good I am in typing. I use none of the language checking tool either.

..but as for the graphic enhancement, yes, I use a lot of it. For instance, the Nokia logo and so on. Nobody gave me their hands on this. I did it all alone. For that I think I am an average designer. I'll give myself 7 out of 10 rating. Am I a good typist? Well, I realy can't answer that for this ads. ahaha.

So, I realy hope we all got something new from this post. Or you can suggest me some other way to do this kind of stuff, may be even better. I'm waiting for it.

See you soon.. ^_^



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